Tuesday, January 12, 2010

6 Of Us + "Them"

My closest friends are those who I met when I was in the second grade in D.P.S.
I had just shifted there from Springdales and was extremely shy when I was asked to introduce myself to a class full of people, especially girls. I was scared of girls...yes.

I used to be extremely shy, hated it when I was made to present myself in any way, or was made to make friends, y'know?
However, I soon settled into the "DPS way" whatever that was and started getting to know more people but still hadn't met one of the '6' (apart from me, myself =/)

2 weeks into my new school was when it all started getting 'good'.
I met a funny looking guy, very short but friendly. His name was Ankit, who is now my best friend.
He told me that I should join morning games for basketball which would help me meet more people and well...play a game I had never played before. So I thought..."Why not?"

Through the years I made many such friends but there were only 5 who I really cared about.

There was Aman - my birthday twin, Dhruv - pseudo fatty who refuses to shave, Sannat - "gavaar thadki", Shunglu - the terrorist who joined school in the 5th... and Ankit.

So it's always been "The 6 of US...and 'them'..."
Whenever we plan something, we're all like "So it's gonna be the six of us and him or him or him..."

Way too many stories attached to these guys.

But for right now, I'd just like to say to the 5 of 'em, "Guys, you're awesome, you've always been there for me and even though you're all fucking retards I wouldn't wanna have it any other way"

PS : Good thing they dont read blogs. =B


  1. gee! i feel so infinitely loveed!

  2. If it were for these kind of blogs , I'd prefer them over a 100 splendid suns! =D
