Tuesday, January 12, 2010

6 Of Us + "Them"

My closest friends are those who I met when I was in the second grade in D.P.S.
I had just shifted there from Springdales and was extremely shy when I was asked to introduce myself to a class full of people, especially girls. I was scared of girls...yes.

I used to be extremely shy, hated it when I was made to present myself in any way, or was made to make friends, y'know?
However, I soon settled into the "DPS way" whatever that was and started getting to know more people but still hadn't met one of the '6' (apart from me, myself =/)

2 weeks into my new school was when it all started getting 'good'.
I met a funny looking guy, very short but friendly. His name was Ankit, who is now my best friend.
He told me that I should join morning games for basketball which would help me meet more people and well...play a game I had never played before. So I thought..."Why not?"

Through the years I made many such friends but there were only 5 who I really cared about.

There was Aman - my birthday twin, Dhruv - pseudo fatty who refuses to shave, Sannat - "gavaar thadki", Shunglu - the terrorist who joined school in the 5th... and Ankit.

So it's always been "The 6 of US...and 'them'..."
Whenever we plan something, we're all like "So it's gonna be the six of us and him or him or him..."

Way too many stories attached to these guys.

But for right now, I'd just like to say to the 5 of 'em, "Guys, you're awesome, you've always been there for me and even though you're all fucking retards I wouldn't wanna have it any other way"

PS : Good thing they dont read blogs. =B

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Am The Captain Of My Soul

This poem was referred to in the movie "Invictus" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1057500/
Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela copies the poem on a letter and gives it to Matt Damon acting as the captain of the South African national Rugby team.
He tells Matt Damon that the poem inspired him and was what kept him alive and in good spirit while he was imprisoned. He tells him to use the words as inspiration so that he may lead himself, his team and his country to victory in the World Cup.
Beautiful movie.

Invictus by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

The Fear You Won't Fall by Joshua Radin

This is an extract from the song which I really felt like putting up on my blog.
Why? cos it's beautiful...also cos I get it...

Can't get my mind off of you
I know you're scared that I'll soon be over it
That's part of it all
Part of the beauty of falling in love with you is the fear you won't fall
It hasn't felt like this before
It hasn't felt like home before you
And I know it's easy to say but it's harder to feel
This way
And I miss you more than I should than I thought I could
Can't get my mind off of you
And I hate the phone
But I wish you'd call
Thought being alone
Was better than was better than
And I know it's easy to say but it's harder to feel this way
And I miss you more than I should
Than I thought I could

Sunday, January 3, 2010


The evening of 24th January, 2003, was spent in our living room. My aunt, uncle and cousin had come over. My brother and I standing near the door, the rest were hugging and crying. Stories were exchanged - "Remember the time...", "Oh! How Rusty used to..." and the occasional "The last few days, Rusty..."

I'd never seen my mom that way and it hurt me. All this for Rusty. JUST a dog? I don't think so.

Mom told us that in the afternoon that day that Rusty walked out to the garden by himself and sat on the grass in the sun and just looked up and stayed like that for about 10 minutes, when he had not been able to even walk from one room to another on his own that whole week. Also, that was the first and the only day that he peed like dog, hind limbs in the air. :')

Rusty had become MUCH more that just the family dog not only for my family but also my cousins and with his death, there was a part of us which died with him.

That evening ended with "It'll be okay. He's in a better place". Wish I knew what that place was. I'd like to go there someday...maybe I can see him again.

I miss him.